Our Services

Stump Grinding

Keith’s Tree Service has expanded their range of ability with machines capable of handling an extensive variety of stump removals. If we can access it, we can grind it.

These machines are state of the art, remote controlled units with adjustable width track drives. This causes less site disturbance.

The machines grind to various depths depending on the machine’s capabilities and any underground obstructions. Stumps are ground into small wood chips and when the process is complete, you are left with a mound of wood chips and loosened soil. This material is usually left on site and frequently used by the landowner for mulch. If requested, the grinding debris can be removed for an additional fee.

Keith’s Tree Service will call DigSafe for a utilities clearance prior to the scheduled work date, but the homeowner is responsible for locating and marking any irrigation lines, drainage lines etc. where the work is to be performed.